Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Animal Rights
In 2002 more than 50 drugs tested on animals and approved by the FDA as safe had been taken off the market or relabeled because they had caused serious illnesses and death in humans. In 2006, 92% of drugs that passed animal testing failed in human clinical trials. Research shows that animals are very much different than humans. Testing on them is an unreliable and cruel action.
In an act to make people aware of animal testing and its ineffective and unnecessary ways, Animal Voices -Hear Them Help Them has partnered with the Animal Right Council. Together they will create a new Public Service Announcement campaign to help the animals in need. Even though the FDA requires all drugs to be tested on animals, we want to change that as well as change all other unneeded testing. There are more accurate, less expensive, humane ways to test, such as computer models, cell cultures, and human studies. Join us in our journey to let everyone hear the animals and their rights to a fair, loving life.